
I am deeply inspired by nature and let it inform my process through composition as well as the materials I use. I create my own paints and inks with foraged natural earth pigments. Being able to paint landscapes with the earth pigments I find in the same area I'm painting brings a depth, grounding, and humility to my process.

I have always been fascinated by the way different materials and texture speak and invoke emotions. I let materials bleed, mix, warp, and move where they want as I quietly guide them, building layer after layer. The purpose and hope of my art is to provide you with a piece that provokes wonderment coupled with familiarity; to inspire you to look at the world around you with a new curiosity and appreciation.


Sophie-Earle Pardue is an impressionistic landscape artist based out of Winston-Salem, NC. She received her BFA from Clemson University in 2019. Growing up in Charleston, SC, the value and wonder of nature was impressed upon her at an early age. She has very few memories growing up that don’t include sand between her toes, dirt under her fingernails, salt water soaked skin, and sun bleached hair.

“Nature is very personal to me. Which is the beautifully strange thing about nature: while being about as public as you can get, it speaks to the individual deeply and quietly. While my connections and experiences in and with nature are specific to who I am, we have all had these different but similarly connected experiences. Creation is the lens through which I understand myself, others, and the world around me. Patiently beckoning us deeper into self understanding while also tethering us to community.”

Drop a Line